Nomination: Large garden
Nomination: Large garden
armony and beauty, naturalness and environmental friendliness – these are the main techniques that masters use when working on their masterpieces. And where do they draw inspiration? A light breath of wind, singing of birds, a blossoming flower, a fluttering butterfly … Our design represents a garden without borders. A garden that gives one the feeling of lightness and sense of style. It was created specifically for the skilled employees of the Dutch company Keune and surrounds an elegant creative studio on the shore of a small lake. The selected colour scheme is not an accident – these are the brand colours of the company present in their collections.
Orange – bright and positive
Blue – aristocratic and stylish Green – eco-friendly and clean White – noble and solemn.
The plant selection is both simple and sophisticated at the same time. It is a shape-shift garden, which, depending on the time of day, appears in new lights and can surprise as well as intrigue you. The flower beds descend to the lake in soft, smooth lines and are reflected in the water, filling the garden with aromatic scents. The garden is as close-to-life as nature itself. Light and airy, it will both invigorate and calm you down. All you need to do is enter the garden – in order to draw your inspiration.